Goats Milk Shower Gel 750ml
December 7, 2024Tiger Milk Mushroom Extract
Lignosus rhinocerotis
“The power of the forest”
Tiger milk mushroom is a species that grows in a geographic area encompassing South China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and Australia. It
is an interesting mushroom in that single mushrooms grow in the ground as opposed to the usual clumps we are accustomed to seeing growing on wood and trees. Furthermore, the fruiting body of the mushroom, the above ground part consisting of stem and cap, are not the parts that are used. Instead, this mushroom has a thick, ball like, root structure that grows underground, called the sclerotium, and it is this part that is used.
There are many legends associated with this mushroom and it has become an important part of the cultural milieu of the areas in which it is found. The Besisi or Mah Meri people of Malaysia for example say that the mushroom holds the soul of an unborn tiger, and the soul is passed into the tiger cub only when the pregnant tigress eats the mushroom. Others believe that the mushroom only grows where a tiger mother has accidentally spilled her milk onto the ground when feeding her cub. Incidentally, the sclerotium of the mushroom is a pure white colour and tastes like milk!
Traditionally, the mushroom was ground into a pulp and eaten raw or boiled to make a tea. Sometimes it was added to Chinese wine in order to make an external application. It was used mainly
to treat asthma, coughs, joint pains, liver problems and as a general restorative tonic.
Modern research has shown that Tiger milk mushroom contains the well studied beta-glucans and polysaccharides that are so important in the immunomodulatory activity of the other mushrooms
such as Reishi. It also contains several of the fungal immunomodulatory proteins that are important in the functions of other mushrooms. Lignosus also contains amino acids, calcium and magnesium.
Research on tiger milk mushroom has centered around its anti asthmatic effects with studies showing it may help to reduce the underlying allergic reaction and ease the symptoms of the
condition. Lignosus has also demonstrated an anti-coagulant effect helping to reduce blood clotting and improve blood flow. It has also demonstrated an anti-inflammatory effect and has an antimicrobial effect against certain bacteria and fungi. Lignosus has also been shown to aid liver function and may help the body optimise the way it handles fat. As expected, given its beta-glucan content, Lignosus has been used to stimulate the immune system in a wide variety of conditions in which an optimal immune system is critical.
Last, but by no means least, is the fact that Lignosus, just like Lion’s mane mushroom, may have a positive effect in stimulating healthy nerve and brain function.
Our tiger milk mushroom is extracted in the traditional way and added to vegetable glycerine as a base. No unnecessary additives or ingredients are added or used at any time during the
manufacturing process.
Traditional Hot Water Extract/Alcohol free